Apache Accumulo 2.1.3

10 Jul 2024


Apache Accumulo 2.1.3 is a patch release of the 2.1 LTM line. It contains bug fixes and minor enhancements. This version supersedes 2.1.2. Users upgrading to 2.1 should upgrade directly to this version instead of 2.1.2.

Included here are some highlights of the most interesting bugs fixed and features added in 2.1.3. For the full set of changes, please see the commit history or issue tracker.

Notable Improvements

Improvements that affect performance:

  • #3722 Adds parameter general.filename.base.allocation, that allows the batch size for unique filename allocation in ZooKeeper to be configurable. In a system that requires large numbers of unique names, larger batch sizes can reduce ZooKeeper contention because more file names can be reserved with a single ZooKeeper call.
  • #3733 Avoid creating server side threads when failed writes are cancelled. In versions 2.1.2 and earlier, the thrift close call creates a new thread to cancel the thrift session. With 2.1.3, an new thrift method is available to test if a session is reserved and deletes it if it is not reserved without creating an additional thread. If the new method is not available it falls back to the previous close method to preserve interoperability between 2.x versions.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • #3721 Fixes issue with writes happening in a retry after batch writer was closed. This strengthens metadata consistency.
  • #3749 Fixes issue where deleting a compaction pool with running compactions would leave the tserver in a bad state.
  • #3748 Fixes bug where wal could remained locked if an exception occurred.
  • #3747 Adds validation to prevent possible deadlock when acquiring wal locks.
  • #3737 Use custom Transport to set Transport message and frame size. This fixes a bug where Accumulo would not change the max message size allowed.
  • ##608, #3755 Add validation to GC that checks that the scanner used by GC to determine candidates for deletion returned a complete row as a mitigation for ##608 where garbage collector removes file that are referenced and in-use.

Improvements that help with administration:

  • #3697 Allow ACCUMULO_JAVA_PREFIX option in accumulo-env.sh so it can be passed as an array. This simplifies passing user options when starting Accumulo processes, for example numactl parameters.
  • #3751 Added property rpc.backlog to configure backlog size for Thrift server sockets.
  • #3745 Adds prefix to gc deletion log messages. This makes it easier to isolate the deletion actions of the garbage collector for analysis.
  • #3724 Adds logging of transactions when metadata and in-memory differences are detected.


View the Upgrading Accumulo documentation for guidance.

This release also contains bug fixes from 1.10.4, which was released after 2.1.2.

View all releases in the archive