Jshell Accumulo Feature
Date: 21 Apr 2021
First introduced in Java 9, JShell is an interactive Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop (REPL) Java tool that interprets user’s input and outputs the results. This tool provides a convenient way to test out and execute quick tasks with Accumulo in the terminal. This feature is a part of the upcoming Accumulo 2.1 release. If you’re a developer and want to get involved in testing, contact us or review our contributing guide.
Major Features
Default JShell script provides initial imports for interacting with Accumulo’s API and provided in Accumulo’s binary distribution tarball
On startup, JShell Accumulo will automatically import the
, load in a configured environment from user’sconf/accumulo-env.sh
, and invokeconf/jshell-init.jsh
to allow rapid Accumulo task executions -
JShell Accumulo can startup using default/custom JShell script and users can append any JShell command-line options to the startup command
Booting Up JShell Accumulo
1) Open up a terminal and navigate to Accumulo’s installation directory
2) To startup JShell with default script use this command:
$ bin/accumulo jshell
3) To startup JShell with custom script use this command:
$ bin/accumulo jshell --startup file/path/to/custom_script.jsh
Note: One can execute the jshell
command to startup JShell. However, doing so will require
manually importing the CLASSPATH
and the configured environment from conf/accumulo-env.sh
and manually specifying the startup file for conf/jshell-init.jsh
before any Accumulo tasks
can be performed. Using one of the startup commands above will automate that process
for convenience.
JShell Accumulo Default Script
The auto-generated jshell-init.jsh
is a customizable file located in Accumulo’s installation
directory. Inside, jshell-init.jsh
contains Accumulo Java APIs
formatted as import statements and AccumuloClient build implementation. On startup,
the script automatically loads in the APIs and attempts to construct a client. Should additional
APIs and/or code implementations be needed, simply append them to jshell-init.jsh
Alternatively, you can create a separate JShell script and specify the custom script’s file path
on startup.
To construct an AccumuloClient, the provided conf/jshell-init.jsh
script finds
and uses accumulo-client.properties
in Accumulo’s class path, and assigns the result
to a variable called client.
If accumulo-client.properties
is found, a similar result will be produced below:
Preparing JShell for Apache Accumulo
Building Accumulo client using 'jar:file:/home/accumulo/lib/accumulo-client.jar!/accumulo-client.properties'
Use 'client' to interact with Accumulo
| Welcome to JShell -- Version 11.0.10
| For an introduction type: /help intro
If accumulo-client.properties
is not found, an AccumuloClient will not
auto-generate and will produce the following result below:
Preparing JShell for Apache Accumulo
'accumulo-client.properties' was not found on the classpath
| Welcome to JShell -- Version 11.0.10
| For an introduction type: /help intro
JShell Accumulo Example
1) Booting up JShell Accumulo using default script
Preparing JShell for Apache Accumulo
Building Accumulo client using 'file:/home/accumulo/conf/accumulo-client.properties'
Use 'client' to interact with Accumulo
| Welcome to JShell -- Version 11.0.10
| For an introduction type: /help intro
2) Providing JShell with an Accumulo task
// Create a table called "GothamPD".
// Create a Mutation object to hold all changes to a row in a table.
// Each row has a unique row ID.
Mutation mutation = new Mutation("id0001");
// Create key/value pairs for Batman. Put them in the "hero" family.
mutation.put("hero", "alias", "Batman");
mutation.put("hero", "name", "Bruce Wayne");
mutation.put("hero", "wearsCape?", "true");
// Create a BatchWriter to the GothamPD table and add your mutation to it.
// Try w/ resources will close for us.
try (BatchWriter writer = client.createBatchWriter("GothamPD")) {
// Read and print all rows of the "GothamPD" table.
// Try w/ resources will close for us.
try (ScannerBase scan = client.createScanner("GothamPD", Authorizations.EMPTY)) {
System.out.println("Gotham Police Department Persons of Interest:");
// A Scanner is an extension of java.lang.Iterable so behaves just like one.
scan.forEach((k, v) -> System.out.printf("Key : %-50s Value : %s\n", k, v));
Note: The fully-qualified class name for Accumulo Scanner or
needs to be used due to conflicting issues with
Java’s built-in java.util.Scanner. However, to shorten the Accumulo Scanner’s declaration, assign
scan to ScannerBase
type instead.
3) Executing the Accumulo task above outputs:
mutation ==> org.apache.accumulo.core.data.Mutation@1
Gotham Police Department Persons of Interest:
Key : id0001 hero:alias [] 1618926204602 false Value : Batman
Key : id0001 hero:name [] 1618926204602 false Value : Bruce Wayne
Key : id0001 hero:wearsCape? [] 1618926204602 false Value : true
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