Batch Scanner Code
Accumulo Tour: Batch Scanner Code
Tour page 10 of 13
Below is a solution to the exercise.
Create a table called “GothamBatch”.
jshell> client.tableOperations().create("GothamBatch");
Generate 10,000 rows of villain data
jshell> try (BatchWriter writer = client.createBatchWriter("GothamBatch")) {
...> for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; i++) {
...> Mutation m = new Mutation(String.format("id%04d", i));
...> m.put("villain", "alias", "henchman" + i);
...> m.put("villain", "yearsOfService", "" + (new Random().nextInt(50)));
...> m.put("villain", "wearsCape?", "false");
...> writer.addMutation(m);
...> }
...> }
Create a BatchScanner with 5 query threads
jshell> try (BatchScanner batchScanner = client.createBatchScanner("GothamBatch", Authorizations.EMPTY, 5)) {
...> // Create a collection of 2 sample ranges and set it to the batchScanner
...> List<Range> ranges = new ArrayList<Range>();
...> // Create a collection of 2 sample ranges and set it to the batchScanner
...> ranges.add(new Range("id1000", "id1999"));
...> ranges.add(new Range("id9000", "id9999"));
...> batchScanner.setRanges(ranges);
...> // Fetch just the columns we want
...> batchScanner.fetchColumn(new Text("villain"), new Text("yearsOfService"));
...> // Calculate average years of service
---> long villianCount =;
---> Double average =;
---> System.out.println("The average years of service of " + villianCount + " villians is " + average);
...> }
Running the solution above should print output similar to below:
The average years of service of 2000 villains is 24.8125