Authorizations Code

Accumulo Tour: Authorizations Code

Tour page 7 of 13

Below is the solution for the previous Authorization exercise.

For this example, it is best to start with a clean slate. So, if the “GothamPD” table currently exists, let’s delete and begin fresh.

jshell> client.tableOperations().delete("GothamPD");
jshell> client.securityOperations().dropLocalUser("commissioner");

Create a table called “GothamPD”.

jshell> client.tableOperations().create("GothamPD");

Create a “secretId” authorization & visibility

jshell> String secretId = "secretId";
secretId ==> "secretId"
jshell> Authorizations auths = new Authorizations(secretId);
auths ==> secretId
jshell> ColumnVisibility colVis = new ColumnVisibility(secretId);
colVis ==> [secretId]

Create a user with the “secretId” authorization and grant the commissioner read permissions on our table

jshell> client.securityOperations().createLocalUser("commissioner", new PasswordToken("gordonrocks"));
jshell> client.securityOperations().changeUserAuthorizations("commissioner", auths);
jshell> client.securityOperations().grantTablePermission("commissioner", "GothamPD", TablePermission.READ);

Create three Mutation objects, securing the proper columns.

jshell> Mutation mutation1 = new Mutation("id0001");
mutation1 ==>
jshell> mutation1.put("hero", "alias", "Batman");
jshell> mutation1.put("hero", "name", colVis, "Bruce Wayne");
jshell> mutation1.put("hero", "wearsCape?", "true");

jshell> Mutation mutation2 = new Mutation("id0002");
mutation2 ==>
jshell> mutation2.put("hero", "alias", "Robin");
jshell> mutation2.put("hero", "name", colVis, "Dick Grayson");
jshell> mutation2.put("hero", "wearsCape?", "true");

jshell> Mutation mutation3 = new Mutation("id0003");
mutation3 ==>
jshell> mutation3.put("villain", "alias", "Joker");
jshell> mutation3.put("villain", "name", "Unknown");
jshell> mutation3.put("villain", "wearsCape?", "false");

Create a BatchWriter to the GothamPD table and add your mutations to it. Once the BatchWriter is closed the data will be available to scans.

jshell> try (BatchWriter writer = client.createBatchWriter("GothamPD")) {
    ...>   writer.addMutation(mutation1);
    ...>   writer.addMutation(mutation2);
    ...>   writer.addMutation(mutation3);
    ...> }

Now let’s scan.

jshell> try (ScannerBase scan = client.createScanner("GothamPD", Authorizations.EMPTY)) {
   ...>   System.out.println("Gotham Police Department Persons of Interest:");
   ...>     for (Map.Entry<Key, Value> entry : scan) {
   ...>     System.out.printf("Key : %-50s  Value : %s\n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
   ...>   }
   ...> }
Gotham Police Department Persons of Interest:
Key : id0001 hero:alias [] 1654783465209 false            Value : Batman
Key : id0001 hero:wearsCape? [] 1654783465209 false       Value : true
Key : id0002 hero:alias [] 1654783465209 false            Value : Robin
Key : id0002 hero:wearsCape? [] 1654783465209 false       Value : true
Key : id0003 villain:alias [] 1654783465209 false         Value : Joker
Key : id0003 villain:name [] 1654783465209 false          Value : Unknown
Key : id0003 villain:wearsCape? [] 1654783465209 false    Value : false

Note that the default root user can no longer see the name for the two hero’s since they are protected with the secretId authorization.

Let’s add the auths authorization to the default root user and scan again.

 jshell> try (ScannerBase scan = client.createScanner("GothamPD", auths)) {
   ...>    System.out.println("Gotham Police Department Persons of Interest:");
   ...>      for (Map.Entry<Key, Value> entry : scan)
   ...>        System.out.printf("Key : %-50s  Value : %s\n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
   ...>      }
Gotham Police Department Persons of Interest:
|  Exception java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException: Error BAD_AUTHORIZATIONS for user root on table GothamPD(ID:2) - The user does not have the specified authorizations assigned
|        at ScannerIterator.getNextBatch (
|        at ScannerIterator.hasNext (
|        at (#54:3)
|  Caused by: org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException: Error BAD_AUTHORIZATIONS for user root on table GothamPD(ID:2) - The user does not have the specified authorizations assigned
|        at ThriftScanner.scan (
|        at ThriftScanner.scan (
|        at ScannerIterator.readBatch (
|        at ScannerIterator.getNextBatch (
|        ...
|  Caused by: org.apache.accumulo.core.clientImpl.thrift.ThriftSecurityException
|        at TabletScanClientService$startScan_result$ (
|        at TabletScanClientService$startScan_result$ (
|        at TabletScanClientService$ (
|        at TServiceClient.receiveBase (
|        at TabletScanClientService$Client.recv_startScan (
|        at TabletScanClientService$Client.startScan (
|        at ThriftScanner.scan (
|        ...

This results in an error since the root user doesn’t have the authorizations we tried to pass to the Scanner

Now, create a second client for the commissioner user and output all the rows visible to them. Make sure to pass the proper authorizations.

jshell> try (AccumuloClient commishClient = Accumulo.newClient().from("commissioner", "gordonrocks").build()) {
   ...>   try (ScannerBase scan = commishClient.createScanner("GothamPD", auths)) {
   ...>     System.out.println("Gotham Police Department Persons of Interest:");
   ...>     for (Map.Entry<Key, Value> entry : scan) {
   ...>       System.out.printf("Key : %-50s  Value : %s\n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
   ...>     }
   ...>   }
   ...> }

The solution above will print (timestamp will differ):

Gotham Police Department Persons of Interest:
Key : id0001 hero:alias [] 1654106385737 false            Value : Batman
Key : id0001 hero:name [secretId] 1654106385737 false     Value : Bruce Wayne
Key : id0001 hero:wearsCape? [] 1654106385737 false       Value : true
Key : id0002 hero:alias [] 1654106385737 false            Value : Robin
Key : id0002 hero:name [secretId] 1654106385737 false     Value : Dick Grayson
Key : id0002 hero:wearsCape? [] 1654106385737 false       Value : true
Key : id0003 villain:alias [] 1654106385737 false         Value : Joker
Key : id0003 villain:name [] 1654106385737 false          Value : Unknown
Key : id0003 villain:wearsCape? [] 1654106385737 false    Value : false

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