Interface OutputFormatBuilder.OutputOptions<T>

Enclosing interface:

public static interface OutputFormatBuilder.OutputOptions<T>
Builder options
  • Method Details

    • defaultTable

      OutputFormatBuilder.OutputOptions<T> defaultTable(String tableName)
      Sets the default table name to use if one emits a null in place of a table name for a given mutation. Table names can only be alpha-numeric and underscores.
      tableName - the table to use when the tablename is null in the write call
    • createTables

      OutputFormatBuilder.OutputOptions<T> createTables(boolean value)
      Enables the directive to create new tables, as necessary. Table names can only be alpha-numeric and underscores.

      By default, this feature is disabled.

    • store

      void store(T j)
      Finish configuring, verify and serialize options into the Job or JobConf