Package org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user
package org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user
ClassDescriptionA filter that ages off key/value pairs based on the Key's timestamp.A family of combiners that treat values as BigDecimals, encoding and decoding using the built-in BigDecimal String input/output functions.Provides the ability to encode scientific notation.Filters key/value pairs for a range of column families and a range of column qualifiers.Filters key/value pairs for a range of column families and a range of column qualifiers.A filter that ages off key/value pairs based on the Key's column and timestamp.This iterator provides exact string matching of the term specified by the "term" option.This iterator facilitates document-partitioned indexing.This iterator facilitates document-partitioned indexing.This iterator suppresses rows that exceed a specified number of columns.A Combiner that interprets Values as Longs and returns the largest Long among them.A Combiner that interprets Values as Longs and returns the smallest Long among them.A Filter that matches entries based on Java regular expressions.A Filter that matches entries with a non-empty ColumnVisibility.An iterator for deleting whole rows.The RowEncodingIterator is designed to provide row-isolation so that queries see mutations as atomic.This iterator makes it easy to select rows that meet a given criteria.Base class for filters that can skip over key-value pairs which do not match their filter predicate.A Combiner that interprets Values as arrays of Longs and returns an array of element-wise sums.A Combiner that interprets Values as Longs and returns their sum.A Filter that matches entries whose timestamps fall within a range.The TransformingIterator allows portions of a key (except for the row) to be transformed.A SortedKeyValueIterator that filters based on ColumnVisibility.The WholeColumnFamilyIterator is designed to provide row/cf-isolation so that queries see mutations as atomic.The WholeRowIterator is designed to provide row-isolation so that queries see mutations as atomic.