All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Destroyable, AuthenticationToken,
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PasswordToken extends Object implements AuthenticationToken
  • Constructor Details

    • PasswordToken

      public PasswordToken()
      Constructor for use with Writable. Call readFields(DataInput).
    • PasswordToken

      public PasswordToken(CharSequence password)
      Constructs a token from a copy of the password. Destroying the argument after construction will not destroy the copy in this token, and destroying this token will only destroy the copy held inside this token, not the argument. Password tokens created with this constructor will store the password as UTF-8 bytes.
    • PasswordToken

      public PasswordToken(byte[] password)
      Constructs a token from a copy of the password. Destroying the argument after construction will not destroy the copy in this token, and destroying this token will only destroy the copy held inside this token, not the argument.
    • PasswordToken

      public PasswordToken(ByteBuffer password)
      Constructs a token from a copy of the password. Destroying the argument after construction will not destroy the copy in this token, and destroying this token will only destroy the copy held inside this token, not the argument.
  • Method Details