Interface ScanServerSelector.SelectorParameters

Enclosing interface:

public static interface ScanServerSelector.SelectorParameters
This interface exists so that is easier to evolve what is passed to ScanServerSelector.selectServers(SelectorParameters) without having to make breaking changes.
  • Method Details

    • getTablets

      Collection<TabletId> getTablets()
      the set of tablets to be scanned
    • getAttempts

      Collection<? extends ScanServerAttempt> getAttempts(TabletId tabletId)
      scan attempt information for the tablet
    • getHints

      Map<String,String> getHints()
      any hints set on a scanner using ScannerBase.setExecutionHints(Map). If none were set, an empty map is returned.
    • waitUntil

      <T> Optional<T> waitUntil(Supplier<Optional<T>> condition, Duration maxWaitTime, String description)
      This function helps a scan server selector wait for an optional to become non-empty (like waiting for scan servers to be present) and throws exceptions when waiting is no longer possible OR returning false if the max wait time was exceeded. The passed in condition will be periodically called and as long as it returns an empty optional the function will continue to wait.
      condition - periodically calls this to see if it is non-empty.
      maxWaitTime - the maximum time to wait for the condition to become non-empty
      description - a description of what is being waited on, used for error messages and logging
      The first non-empty optional returned by the condition. An empty optional if the maxWaitTime was exceeded without the condition ever returning a non-empty optional.
      TableDeletedException - if the table is deleted while waiting for the condition to become non-empty. Do not catch this exception, let it escape.
      TimedOutException - if the timeout specified by ScannerBase.setTimeout(long, TimeUnit) is exceeded while waiting. Do not catch this exception, let it escape.