Interface CryptoService

All Known Implementing Classes:
AESCryptoService, NoCryptoService

public interface CryptoService
A self-contained cryptographic service. All on disk encryption and decryption will take place through this interface. Each implementation must implement a FileEncrypter for encryption and a FileDecrypter for decryption.
See Also:
  • org.apache.accumulo.core.spi
  • Method Details

    • init

      Initialize CryptoService. This should only be called once.
    • getFileEncrypter

      FileEncrypter getFileEncrypter(CryptoEnvironment environment)
      Initialize the FileEncrypter for the environment and return. This will get called once per R-File or Write Ahead Log. FileEncrypter implementation must be thread safe.
    • getFileDecrypter

      FileDecrypter getFileDecrypter(CryptoEnvironment environment)
      Initialize the FileDecrypter for the environment and return. This will get called once per R-File or Write Ahead Log. FileDecrypter implementation must be thread safe.